Friday, May 28, 2010

Hiafoot news report

I walk over to the statium were i am forced to relece the terrible news, "I am here to say, dear clan that the Big River Clan has... taken boiseray as a hostage". The clans wispers turn in to frantic pleeds that wife of boiserays crying from her teepe. i can feel the hurt that is going through everyones mind, is going through mine to. We need Boiseray he is are healer,the one who helps use in are need. I think and scrable my brain to think of some way to get them back...we have to take one of their a hostage. we have no other choice, despreate calls, calls for desperate messures. I am going to leave tommorow at dawn. I wake up my paws aching from the night before, i strench out everything and try not to wake my wife. if is early, early for any of the clan members to be up. I go out on the trail that takes us out of the area and i walk slowly into the big river clan territoryy. NO body is up at this clan either. The bisk open way clears and i see the villigae and i hostage. Boiseray was sitting there tied up and ready to pounce. I walk over to him waiting to see what he was tied up with velviteen rope it looks like. i try to cut him free but i see a alarm set ready to fire if any paw was to touch it. i back away slowly.... i walk over to the kittens and the mother teepe and i take the little one........


  1. Not my daughter!! How could you, you evil cats?? She is delicate, if you are not careful, you will kill her, and if you so much as touch a hair on her little head, so help me, your whole clan will be OVER!!!!!!!

  2. Um, why did u put the kittens and mothers teepee? We have a den, not teepees and we do not share our rooms in the den. Tepees are for poor clans, not strong clans like ours. Good to se u have a tepee, ha ha poor clan. Get a den like a real clan!

  3. Yeah... Um, look at my other comments, you might have to actually attack us, because I'm the only one attacking.
